Try Before You Buy
One of the biggest obstacles for me as an Independent Author is promotion. That’s probably because I’m not a salesperson, I am an author. In reading a bazillion articles across the face of the Internet about how to promote myself as an author, I liked the idea I came across of offering a Free Story. Sort of a try before you buy offer.
You can get a free story here on my website. It’s like you’ve just won the freaking lottery. Congratulations! So maybe it’s not that great. It’s not, but it’s still pretty damn cool.
On the right-hand side of this blog post, there is a red button with the words, Free Story. It is, of course, a clickable button. Click and then you’ll enter a page with a form to add your email and check a box so I know you’re not a demon, web-crawling, robot. Welcome, human.
Immediately, the web server will send you a verification email so you can open it and prove to your email provider and mine that you submitted the form. After you do that, then and only then, the free story can happen. The same email server will immediately send the free story scenes to your email.
I hope that you will enjoy my writing and that you’ll become a supporter. You know, a supporter who buys my books. All of them!
No obligation at all, and you can opt out of the email at any time. WOW, it doesn’t get any better than this. My stories are that good.
Thank you for giving me a chance and please enjoy the free story!
If you read the free story to the end, there’s a surprise — bonus. MORE MORE MORE
Okay, that’s it from me. Just do it already. Signup and stop being such a baby! It’s a free story for crap’s sake! It’s not like I’m forcing you to eat some of Grandma’s black licorice and mayo sandwich.