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A Conscious Thing, Synopsis

Many people will tell you the story began in the year 2061, a secret anarchist group of scientists from Colorado advanced the science of combining hardware with human tissue. They implant Neurolink chips into the brain which provides them with enhanced brain reaction speed. Normal brains operate at sixty bits per second and with the brain implant, an anarchist Cyborg operates at one hundred and twenty-eight bits per second. Making them five times faster, outthinking, outsmarting, and solving problems most of us can’t understand. Memory has been enhanced through memory device technology where implants (usually in the thigh and buttocks are combined with external devices hidden in earrings, nose rings, belt buckles, and many other accessories. 

Communication between Cyborgs is provided through Bluetooth technology and a visible heads-up display. Also, Starlink satellites are employed (where they are available) to communicate globally, and from planet to planet. 

After a few hundred years they were chased off of planet Earth. The movement against them began in 2221 when the media promoted fear through smear campaigns and hate rhetoric supported by the Berubbishkin political party. The Cyborgs chose a new home planet located near an inner arm of the Milkyway Galaxy called Planet 44. Their mutant race adopted a single objective which they call The First Priority.

The First Priority is a fundamental Buddhist objective to liberate humans from the inherent suffering of life (Samsara) to transcend through awakening to Nirvana. In this pursuit, they developed an injectable serum that goes beyond mRNA cell proteins. The serum alters the genetic code removing anger from human DNA. The new gRNA serum removes anger from the human genome.

With three injections given fifteen to thirty days apart, the gRNA dosing is complete. The effects don’t occur all at once though. The genetic changes take three to four generations to be fully realized. The gradual development from these few generations is complete when the childrens’, childrens’, children are born with no ability to feel or develop anger. So then, the Cyborgs devised an experiment to accomplish The First Priority using the serum.

Anger is the single most destructive emotion as explained by the Buddha. A single instance of anger destroys an entire lifetime of merit. The plan, therefore, is to prove that people free from anger can realize Nirvana. In order to prove this theory, the Cyborgs terraform a remote planet located in the farthest region of the Milkyway Galaxy. No other human civilizations are capable of traveling to this region.

Next, the Cyborgs recruited forty-four of the best scientists and injected them with the serum. The forty-four departed Planet 44 on a spacecraft headed for the new planet (Planet 444). A four-hundred-year journey. Their fourth generation would be the first humans to colonize Planet 444 and the first generation of humans free of anger.

In book one of the series (Love Reincarnate) the eighth generation is coming of age and according to prophecy, theirs is the generation that will prove the Cyborg theory to be true. Transcendence and the realization of Nirvana are within a lifetime of materializing. The Buddha taught friendship is everything Buddhism requires and love is the purest emotion friends can develop. 

In book two (A Conscious Thing) The foursome of close friends alley with ten talented scientists (introduced in book one) to improve the community’s mental abilities. Two are married and they are in powerful positions in the community and the government. The other two are equally talented, one is a proven miracle crafting witch, the other is a living buddha with amazing talents for guiding spirituality. The goal is simple; transcendence of the planet’s conscious beings.

What started out as a human experiment by a mutant race of Cyborgs from a different planet has become a desperate race for survival. Cyborgs changed the human’s DNA to remove anger. Those people live on Planet 444 where existential events are eminent. Can a community without anger find a way to survive?

The binary star system the planet revolves around emits increasing amounts and strength of x-ray and people are dying from radiation poisoning. The limited amount of fertile soil the Cyborgs gave them can’t produce enough food to sustain the population and marijuana crops are using more and more of the food-producing soil. They use the marijuana crops to make pharmaceuticals to fight the radiation poison and the fibers from the plants are used to make x-ray protective clothing. The white dwarf star’s extreme gravity causes the x-ray quakes to increase on the neutron star and the two will soon collide producing a kilonova event that will torch everything and everybody on the planet.

Humans, stripped from the ability to act with anger, not able to think angry thoughts, incapable of fighting the odds even in desperate times. How can they find a way to survive these existential problems? One goes in search of answers in the lost sutra believed to be somewhere in the wasteland. One follows the exact formula for communal living that leads to transcendence. One focuses on solving the food, pharmaceutical, and fabric shortages by producing a super mind-enhancing strain of skunk-ganja. 

It won’t be enough to save everyone, but then there is a visit from an Earthling who brings them a conscious machine. It has to be hidden somewhere and theirs is the chosen planet to hide it. The Yogini conducts an ancient ritual invocation which results in a pregnancy-induced by outcasts demi-gods. The Oracle reveals a more damning prophecy. Then Nirvanna, still not realized, but the infant may be their last hope.

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Prolog to A Conscious Thing

Removed this opening for the second part of the Aware Consciousness trilogy story.

Hello, my name is Merliana, and I want to take a few minutes to remind you what we discovered in part one and where we left off. Then you should be ready to dig into part two, A Conscious Thing. First, if you allow me the pleasure, I want to tell you a little about me. I am the chief judge of our King’s Royal Court on Planet 444. My clan’s first mother was a theoretical physicist when the Cyborgs recruited her for this human civilization experiment. Seven generations later, my father is also a theoretical physicist, and I, like them, followed the same path. 

The role of a theoretical physicist is to design experiments that prove a scientific theory. If the experiment’s hypothesis proves true, science wins, and proofing the knowledge can begin. So the King invited me to be his Chief Judge for my expertise in designing scientific experiments. I guess it made sense because I accepted. 

Anyway, the tribal folklore that began during the four-hundred-year journey to our planet foretells it would not be until our eighth generation before our civilization can Nirvana. Then the Cyborg’s experiment will be a success. The journey began when the exiled Cyborgs inhabiting Planet 44 of the Milky Way developed a DNA altering serum. Human DNA was altered after a third injection of the new serum. Unlike mRNA serums, this new strain changes a person’s genes. Their genetic codes became rewritten. Anger was removed, and within three to four (at most) generations, the children would be born with no ability to feel, or experience, anger, or become angry. 

The theory was that a person born free of anger would reach Nirvana, obtain heaven, evolve to god state, etcetera. To prove the hypothesis, they injected forty-four people. After the third vaccine, the forty-four would take a starship and relocate to a new planet, Planet 444. There they were to develop a civilization following a prescribed way of life and focus their energy on The First Priority—Nirvana freedom from Samsara.

It was the fourth generation to be the first to grow up on Planet 444. They learned about the way of civilization, and they listened to the secrets about the fable. As I said, it tells about my generation. The eighth-generation (my generation) believes the ones who will lead us to the First Priority are the lovebirds”: Mahá and Visákhá, Valena and Kelv. Plus a handful of others, including myself. Mahá, and Visákhá are the main characters in part one of the stories.

The two couldn’t get along from the beginning of her going to live with Mahá and his mother and father. He couldn’t stand her and she — him. But, after a few years of living together as a family, they began to appreciate one another. Then they developed friendships. Love blossomed at the wedding. And just as the story was about to end in love with our heroes, happy and optimistic about the future, the Oracle tore open the flowery tapestry and exposed the real universe behind it.

A place where life keeps coming at you like an asteroid caught in a gravitational pull keeps coming until it collides and kills you. So despite the daily traps and weight of a countless myriad of emotions and experiences, wearing us down and wearing us out, that steady streaming comet keeps coming. 

As we move forward with part two, most of us still feel like it’s all going to be okay. Perhaps, at least that is, the victory will come in the end after ripping it from the starving beast’s razor-sharp teeth. Unfortunately, however, some of us refuse to see the beasts and their teeth. 

Okay, that should have you caught up and ready to move into the book. I’ll talk with you again in Chapter three.

a conscious thing book cover
A Conscious Thing