A foursome of close friends alley with ten talented scientists to improve the community’s mental abilities. Two are married and they are in powerful positions in the government and have enhanced mental capacities. The other two are equally talented, one is a miracle-producing witch, the other is a living buddha with amazing talents for guiding others’ spiritual awareness. The goal is simple: transcendence of the entire planet’s conscious beings.
What started out as a human experiment by a mutant race of Cyborgs from a different planet has become a desperate race for survival. Cyborgs changed the human’s DNA to remove anger. Existential events are eminent. Can a community without anger survive?
The binary star system the planet revolves around emits increasing amounts and strength of x-ray and people are dying from radiation poisoning. The limited amount of fertile soil the Cyborgs gave them can’t produce enough food to sustain the population and marijuana crops are using more and more of the food-producing soil. They use marijuana crops to make pharmaceuticals to fight the radiation poison and the fibers make x-ray protective clothing. The white dwarf star’s extreme gravity causes the neutron star’s x-ray emitting quakes to increase. The two stars will soon collide, making a kilonova event that will torch everything and everybody on the planet.
One goes in search of answers in the lost sutra, believed to be somewhere in the wasteland. One uses a ritual invocation to impregnate the queen with a superhuman infant. The exact formula for communal living leads to transcendence. One focuses on solving the food, pharmaceutical, and fabric shortages by growing a super mind-enhancing strain of skunk-ganja.
It won’t be enough, but there is a rare visit from an Earthling who brings a conscious device. It has to be hidden somewhere, and this was the chosen planet.
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